How CHBA members support their communities


Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) members have been building, developing, and renovating Canadian homes for generations. We are sharing the extraordinary contributions CHBA members make in their communities every day through our ongoing #CdnBuilt for Generations campaign. Here are a few recent stories. To read more stories follow our hashtag or visit

BILD Calgary members ride for Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta

Ride Through the Rockies is an annual fundraising event in support of Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta. This is the eleventh year that founder Ken Crockett, vice-president of Star Building Materials and a member of BILD Calgary Region, brought together leaders from the homebuilding industry. Forty participants cycled hundreds of kilometres through the Rockies with the goal of raising $300,000 for Habitat for Humanity. Crockett began this initiative to combine philanthropy with his passion for cycling. Since its inception, the Ride has raised $1.3 million for Habitat for Humanity. The funds raised support affordable homeownership opportunities across southern Alberta. Last year, Habitat delivered more than $10 million in affordable housing, with plans for an additional $24 million underway, including homes in Calgary, Airdrie and High River.

London HBA and Tricar Group host a charity soccer tournament for local homelessness fund

A fund dedicated to helping London’s homeless population recently received a boost from the region’s homebuilders. The second annual Constructors Cup, a charity soccer tournament hosted by London HBA in conjunction with Tricar Group, raised $70,000 for The Health and Homelessness Fund for Change, which is administered by the London Community Foundation. About $17,500 was raised during the one-day tournament and was matched by Tricar Group to bring the total to $35,000. The donation was then raised to $70,000 by the anonymous donor family who originally spearheaded The Health and Homelessness Fund for Change with a $25-million commitment. The proceeds are being put towards the implementation of a whole of community system response to the crisis of homelessness in the London area, including for the Wiiigwaminaan Lodge, an Indigenous-led hub that aims to address Indigenous homelessness beyond the winter months.

Centra Windows raises $110,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities

CHBA BC member Centra Windows hosted a golf tournament for a great cause with its 24th annual Centra Cares Golf Tournament in support of Ronald McDonald House Charities. This year, the tournament raised $110,000, with $90,000 going to the Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon and $20,000 to Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta. Each year, Centra Windows employees nominate charities and causes in need of support. This year, Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon was chosen as the primary recipient because of their work providing homes for families with sick and injured children who need medical care far from home. The generous donation will enable Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon to provide 360 nights of comfort for families who leave their communities to receive life-saving treatment for their ill or injured child. Over the last five years, Centra Windows has fundraised and donated more than $1 million to local charities.