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What’s Included in a Contract? Get It In Writing!

What goes into a proper contract

Insider Info: How Resilient Are Your Homes?

Over the last few years, governments at all levels have been talking about the need for improved “climate resilience” in our communities and homes. For builders, the central concern is that, most often, this talk points towards more demanding and expensive building code requirements and land development standards.

BEhind the SCENES: Association Leaders Head To Parliament Hill In May

May 29th will see Association leaders from across the country fanning out over Parliament Hill to talk with Members of Parliament, Senators, and their senior staff. Between the meetings and evening reception, hundreds of MPs and government officials will hear the important messages from CHBA about the needs of our members and customers.

Building Excellence, the Official Magazine of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA), in association with HOMES Publishing Group, is proud to announce that, beginning in 2018, Building Excellence is the new (and only official) national magazine of the Association.

Video: Planning a Home Renovation? Get it in Writing!

Are you looking to make your renovation dreams a reality? Don't let the project become a nightmare. Getting informed is the first step in doing it right. Having a plan and understanding the contracting process are keys to finding the right contractor and getting the results you want.