Celebrating the community spirit of CHBA members


Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) members have been building, developing, and renovating Canadian homes for generations. We are sharing the extraordinary contributions CHBA members make in their communities every day through our ongoing #CdnBuilt for
Generations campaign. Here are a few recent stories. To read more stories follow our hashtag or visit blog.chba.ca/category/giving-back.

BILD Alberta launches $15-M Scholarships Fund for Construction Careers

As labour shortages create challenges for residential construction, BILD Alberta and its members have launched Scholarships for Construction Careers, which aims to raise $15 million to help Alberta’s two polytechnic schools issue close to 3,000 scholarships to homebuilding apprenticeship and pre-employment students, prioritizing demographics that are underrepresented in the industry. The fund currently holds more than $7 million, which includes a $2 million donation from BILD Alberta member Jayman BUILT and other investments from Homes by Avi and Anthem Properties. “This is an Alberta initiative with an Alberta solution,” says Jay Westman, chair and CEO of Jayman BUILT. “I have chosen to lead this investment campaign to make a notable impact in overcoming the financial concerns of students, while also bolstering our industry’s much-needed construction capacity across Alberta.”

Copper Falls Custom Homes builds house in support of Northern BC Healthcare

CHBA Northern BC member Copper Falls Custom Homes, along with 45 dedicated trades and suppliers, have broken ground on a home in Prince George, BC that will be sold to benefit the Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation. The Foundation provides meaningful opportunities to contribute to improving healthcare within the service area of the University Hospital of Northern BC (UHNBC). “We live and raise our children in Prince George and want the best healthcare services available,” Jeff Stewart and Brent Scheck, co-owners of Copper Falls Custom Homes, said in a joint statement. For the past four years, the company has been giving back to healthcare in its community through the Copper Project. The initiative has raised more than $310,000 to provide medical equipment to the UNHBC.

BK Cornerstone constructs home for displaced Ukrainian families

BK Cornerstone, a builder member of Windsor-Essex Home Builders’ Association, is taking part in The Kyiv Project – a new initiative that aims to support Ukrainian refugees seeking shelter in the Windsor-Essex area. BK Cornerstone is donating its services a as general contractor, plus labour, to build a new home for a displaced Ukrainian family in their community. On top of the build, The Kyiv Project is also raising funds to provide housing, food, childcare, transportation, medical care and other necessities to Ukrainian refugee families. “The network we are working with is getting two families per week to this area who need a place to stay,” the company says. “We are delighted to be part of the solution for that.”