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Tag: coronavirus

History lessons to be learned

Past pandemics have changed the way we build homes.

How To Keep Your Sales Centre Open – Virtually, 24/7/365 with...

Many home builders have been faced with the dilemma of closing their sales offices 'til COVID-19 is behind us . What if, your company could provide your homebuyers with your sales office presentation... virtually?

Safety remains construction’s top priority during COVID-19 pandemic

We may be in the middle of a pandemic, but it's critical the construction industry continue to build homes, infrastructure and transportation systems – safely. Here's why.

5 tips for effective internal communications in a coronavirus world

The coronavirus has quickly forced us to come up with communications strategies for our various stakeholder audiences, with a focus on employees. These five tips will help you get there.

The importance of strategic communications during a pandemic

In times of crisis, it's important to continue to nurture the relationships you've worked hard to establish over the years. Here's a focused communications strategy to help you get there.