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Tag: GTA

A water crisis is looming for Toronto – and here’s why...

There's a water crisis looming in Toronto, and if we don't act now, it will costs us – financially and in other ways. READ MORE

The GTA condo market is seeing large shift to affordable areas

There's a widespread change in momentum underway in GTA condo market, showing very clearly that the theme for 2019 is that affordability is the number one driver. READ MORE

New book explores the affordable homeownership crisis in the GTA

The GTA is facing a homeownership affordability crisis, a new book aims not not just to provide a deeper understanding of the issue, but what the building industry and consumers can do about it. READ MORE

Halloween deadline for Sidewalk transformation could be scary stuff

Oct. 31 is Waterfront Toronto's deadline to resolve the issues surrounding the Sidewalk Labs proposal for the eastern waterfront. And further stalling of this massive, game-changing development would be scary, indeed. READ MORE

Five ways builders can reinvent themselves for this new marketplace

In an ever-changing marketplace, builders and developers need to remain agile. Here are five ways to help them adapt. READ MORE