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Condominium builders always have lots at stake
Real estate development is a risky business – one in which consumers and developers both are stakeholders.
Stephen Cameron - Creative Financing
When it comes to financing new housing projects, it sometimes pays for developers to get creative.
It's difficult to wait for the fate of an entire industry to be decided by 25 people, but that's exactly what happened at a recent Toronto city council meeting.
THE ARCHITECT: Merging past, present and future
Merging the past with the present and future in a heritage retention project isn't always easy. Here's how we did it.
How well prepared is your company for a crisis? If you don’t know the answer to that question, you may need this nine-point plan. READ MORE
Technology has changed every aspect of our lives, and when it comes to real estate, the high-tech improvements are just beginning. READ MORE
Get ready – this spring market in the Greater Toronto Area could be the best we’ve seen in five years. READ MORE
Smart Solutions: How technology is changing the game for builders
Today, the building industry is changing rapidly with developments in technology in an increasingly digital world.
This year’s successful CHBA “Day on the Hill” event took on added importance with a federal election campaign only months away, and affordability now successfully an election issue, thanks in large part to efforts by CHBA and its membership.
Raising the bar on mid-rise and high-rise homes
Things are looking up for the Energy Star home energy certification program. Way up. Since the program launched in 2005, more than 90,000 homes have been Energy Star-certified