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THE MARKETER: Mixed-use communities are looking up
Ottawa is following in the footsteps of other large urban centres such as Toronto, where these neighbourhoods are proving tremendously successful.
THE INDUSTRY LEADER: Where did the money go?
Parkland dedication fees should be used to build parks in the GTA.
THE RESEARCHER: Are developers properly managing risk?
With land prices skyrocketing across the GTA and zoning approval timelines growing, the upfront financial investment required by developers has increased substantially in recent years.
THE ARCHITECT: Design should pay tribute to location
When it comes to designing buildings, architects need to balance numerous considerations, as well as the client's vision and budget.
How The Internet Of Things Is Changing The Way People Live – And How We Build The Homes They Live In : Part 1
THE INDUSTRY LEADER: Housing policies must focus on supply
Not enough new housing is being built for sale or rent and this results in higher prices, higher rents and long waits lists.
THE LAWYER: The problem with inclusionary zoning regulation
The promise of inclusionary zoning in the draft of the regulation and the reality of what was actually passed by the province is radically different.
THE BRANDER: Make your amenities right for your buyers
Condo amenities that meet the needs of the market's evolving demographics are a great way to rise above the competition while avoiding excessive cost.
THE AD EXECUTIVE: The marketing rules are ever changing
This is a brave new world – the world of Facebook, Google and Instagram, of short attention spans and instant gratification.
THE REALTY SPECIALIST: Ottawa a hot market for investors
Ottawa has always enjoyed a good and stable housing market, and right now the market is heating up.